current Sermon Series – Acts

March 24, 2024 |

For Summer and Fall we will be studying the book of Acts together for our weekly Sunday morning time of expositional Bible teaching at 10:30am.  I will be going verse by verse through the Book of Acts.  The name of the book in English is appropriate because it is a book of action.  It recounts how the Christian faith spread from Israel to Rome and beyond in a short span of time.  It is the historical link between the gospels and the epistles, and it lays out for us how the church began and what the mission of the church is meant to be.  It is all too easy for the church to get sidetracked doing many various things, but the book of Acts tells us what the early church was busy doing and therefore what we should be busy doing until Jesus comes back. I hope that you will be able to join us for this life-transforming study of the Book of Acts.

Click the link to watch the book of Acts sermon series on our Youtube channel

With Christ’s Love for each of you.

Your Pastor

Bryan Guinness


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