Becoming a Disciple According to Jesus – Seminar – March 14

March 15, 2019 |

What? A Seminar by Bill Allan, President of the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada (AGC)

Too often in ministry today we confuse the activity of disciple-making with the idea that discipleship is a program that begins at salvation and ends with church membership. There is a difference is both understanding and practice that greatly impacts the way we see sand relate to others and the way in which we live out the Gospel in our daily lives. Becoming Disciples According to Jesus is not just a “how to” in terms of disciple-making, rather it explores the biblical mandate of disciples becoming disciple-makers thus fulfilling our Great Commission calling as the Church.

When? Sunday, March 24, 1:30pm-3:00pm

Where? Onward Gospel Church (165 Galt Ave, Verdun)

Cost? Free


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