Sermon Series – Habakkuk | “Wrestling with God”

November 20, 2020 |

The book of Habakkuk is a short Old Testament book of only three chapters, written by the prophet Habakkuk around 600 B.C. At this time the nation of Israel was drifting further and further away from the godly principles on which it had been founded. It was not unlike our country in that regard. Meanwhile, the prophet looked around him and observed much violence, injustice, and the wicked prospering. As a result he was troubled and so he voiced his doubts and questions to God. They are remarkably similar to ones which many of us have today, like …

  • Why do the wicked prosper, and you aren’t doing anything about it?
  • How long must I suffer like this?
  • Why is it that I pray, and yet you seem so silent?

What is fascinating about the book is that we not only hear Habakkuk’s questions to God, but we also get to hear God’s response to Habakkuk. You see, it isn’t wrong to voice your doubts and questions to God. That’s what Habakkuk does, and the Lord doesn’t tell him to, “Suck it up and be quiet.” God doesn’t tell him that he’s immature and lacks faith. Instead, God gives him answers that will satisfy his mind, calm his heart, and renew his faith.  The book ends with one of the most profound declarations of trust in the Lord in the entire Bible. There is much that we can learn and be challenged by as we study this book together.

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